From formulating coatings that ensure resistance to wear and staining to developing materials for utensils and surfaces, Crest's resin innovations contribute to the reliability and performance of kitchenware products. With a focus on excellence and continuous innovation, Crest has catalyzed the development of kitchenware resins, which has led to safer and more hygienic products.
The outer surface of non-stick cookware demands sustained heat resistance, especially when placed directly on a flame to safeguard it. Addressing this need, CREST's robust and dedicated R&D team has innovatively formulated a coating resin based on silicone-modified Polyester.
This groundbreaking innovation positions CREST as a leading manufacturer of silicone-modified polyester resin in India, serving as a direct substitute for established equivalent products and playing a vital role in developing fire-resistant coatings. Benefits of this innovation include: